AI should be fair, inclusive, accessible, and easy to use for all people, including marginalised and underrepresented groups, with the aim of promoting social good and benefiting all members of society. A centralised service platform may fail to meet the diverse needs and preferences of its users due to its dependence on the resources, decisions, and policies of a central authority. This can also lead to an exacerbation of social inequality through the use of centralised AI. On the other hand, a decentralised platform, such as AIGC Chain, that is crowd-trained by the community aims to cover a wider range of topics and needs. This is because it is not restricted by a central authority and is based on distributed networks and protocols, allowing users to have more control and ownership over their interests, data, and assets, thus enabling them to create and produce a wider range of content and services.
Inconsistent artistic style
AI-generated content solves problems by giving users and organisations new skills and insights that help them succeed. But the general diffusion models used by AIGC are designed to generate random and diverse outputs. The diffusion model uses a stochastic process, which means that it relies on randomness and probability to generate its outputs. This means that the output of the model can vary from one run to the next, even when using the same prompt input. Additionally, the diffusion model may be trained on a diverse and varied dataset. This further contributes to the randomness and inconsistency of the generated images. However, in real-world applications, such as content production, consistency is usually desired. AIGC Chain’s tech contributor develops an accuracy control for coherent visual generation techniques, resolving the inconsistency issues of diffusion-generated images.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant economic disruption and has pushed millions of people into poverty. The lack of access for minority, marginalised, and underrepresented groups to integrate into the AI ecosystem will exacerbate wealth inequality further. The use of AI Generative models and a peer-to-peer marketplace can help to elevate the unique cultures, stories, and skills of marginalised communities, which are valuable to humanity as a whole. A decentralised AIGC infrastructure would empower marginalised communities by allowing for greater participation and thereby reducing the negative impacts of the pandemic and mitigating wealth inequality.
High entropy and disorder of information
The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of the universe always increases. Therefore, to slow down the process of cosmic heat death, negative entropy is needed. In physics, negative entropy refers to a system that is more ordered than a state of equilibrium, rather than more disordered. In economic and social terms, this means that information should be ordered, not disordered, and that order is necessary for sustainable economic and social development. Web2 platforms use free access to exchange for user advertising time, but the ads are often ineffective and increase entropy, which is detrimental to the overall economic system.
Blockchain technology reduces entropy by providing secure, transparent, tamper-resistant storage and transmission of information, increasing reliability and trust in the information stored on the network. NFTs are verified on blockchain networks, providing a secure way to authenticate ownership of the art works and reducing entropy by creating a clear record of ownership. Web3's decentralized architecture also reduces entropy by allowing users to choose what kind of advertising they receive.
Overall, the decentralised AIGC service platform has the potential to give its users more fairness, freedom, innovation, and options than a centralised service platform.
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